XIX IFOTES International Congress

Göteborg - Sweden, 10 - 14 July 2013

Vulnerability as a challenge


The power of vulnerability


Online self-help / Telephone help for suicidal worrying

The strengths of weakness

Boundaries of vulnerability - fragilities and possibilities in new lands of hope

Expecting the unexpected: ethics of vulnerability and space of speech

Psychosocial support after sudden death


VULNERABILITY is the birthplace for change; more than this it is the birthplace of joy, creativity, belonging and love! However, vulnerability for many people is connected to pain, grief, shame and something they intend to avoid. That's why vulnerability can be considered a challenging issue for all human beings, and an inspiring theme to be explored in the help line context, where many vulnerabilities meet: those of the caller, the listener, the Organisation and communication itself!Our life is accompanied by efforts to numb our vulnerability. We are the most educated, ensured and protected society ever, and still we feel even more that our physical, mental and emotional integrity is in danger at any moment. In circumstances of distress we try to numb vulnerability by numbing strong emotions though pretending, protecting and trying making things secure or perfect. This weakens our emotional health.It's all about the matter of fear and shame and the struggle of worthlessness. If we learn to face vulnerability instead of numbing it, vulnerability will become a resource and lead us to creativity and contact. At the XIX IFOTES congress in Gothenburg we will focus on VULNERABILITY AS a RESOURCE. Being aware of our vulnerability, resilience can be strengthened. We invite you to experience, listen and discuss different alternatives of how to bring positive changes in our attitude towards vulnerability.Help lines regularly face vulnerability as a challenge and a positive opportunity to improve awareness of life's chances for both - the caller and the listener, and even for the whole TES Organisation itself. Not only individuals in fact have to deal with their vulnerability but also Organisations and the entire society.



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